
1. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству партнеров.

2. Проводим работы по выявлению геоактивных зон.

3.  Осуществляем архитектурное проектирование с учетом геоактивных зон.

4. Предоставляем дополнительное образование по теме: "Геоактивные зоны - как ненормативные факторы риска а архитектуре и строительстве".


1. Partners are most welcomed.

2. Detection of geopathological zones (GPZs).

3.  Architectural design in view of GPZs.

4. Training: GPZs as Non-standard  Risk Factors in Architecture and Construction





The list includes PROJECT  PARTICIPANTS, SUBCONTRACTORS and CLIENTS (legal entities).



1. The South-Russia’s Office of the International Academy of Energy-Information Sciences  (Rostov on Don) was set up in 2008  following the decision of the President’s  Council of the Academy. Mostly aimed at organizing and controlling R&D un eniology. See more at  

2. LIGHT-2 Medico-Ecological Company (Ufa).

The company manufacture the  IGA-1 indicator of geological abnormalities applicable for multitasks purposes, including detection of GAZs. The company also does research basing on the instrument in order to modify its performance and expand application. See more at   http://www.iga1.ru/pribor.html   



3. Geophizprognoz, Research & Technological Company (St. Petersburg).

The company develops an unrivalled method of seismic profiling which enables a wide range of applications, including the modeling of geological profiles in GAZ locations, determination of their causes, intensity, behavior forecast. See more at    http://www.newgeophys.spb.ru/ru/index.shtml